Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You

If you served one year or thirty years, if you did it with honor, thank you.

Thank you for hurrying up just to wait.
Thank you for dealing with the stress and the heartburn.
Thank you for the endless inspections and exercises.
Thank you for the Real World too.
Thank you for all the TDYs, PSCs, ORIs, PT, & BS.
Thank you for the blood and sweat.
And thank you for the tears.
Yours, your spouse's, your parents', your children's.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hey, Cullligan Man!

In the past, the Aviano area has had problems with the Culligan delivery service. It was very unreliable, to put it kindly. Because of that, many customers dropped the service, and newcomers heard about the poor service so they didn't sign up.

If you are interested in having delivery service, you'll be happy to hear that we have a new Culligan Man! The new guy, Robert, is very reliable. He has not missed one of our scheduled deliveries and answers emails and concerns promptly. What a relief!

So if you were turned off by the spotty delivery and iffy service, give them another look. It really has improved tremendously in the past few months.

The Exchange site has the prices for the service and answers most any question you might have. Prices for cooler rental range from about $12-15 per month. Or you can purchase one at the Area 1 Shopette. Or they show up on the Aviano Classifieds all the time. The five-gallon jugs are $7.95 each {fluoridated or not, your choice}. There is a $5 deposit on each delivered jug, but you get that back with each jug you return. So as long as you are doing a 1-for-1 trade, it's irrelevant. They also deliver cases of water bottles in a variety of sizes.

For us, it's one less errand in our busy week. And now that it's reliable, it is such a relief. If you're tired of lugging bottles of water from base to your home every week, Culligan is definitely worth checking out.

{I am of no importance to anyone at Culligan or AAFES. This is solely based on my experience with said service. Take it for what you will.}