Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Decoding Your Italian Home

"You turned the microwave on while the dryer was running?! What were you thinking?"

"Okay, let me think...I need to bake and do laundry. I'd better unplug the computer."

Don't be surprised if you hear yourself saying things like this when you're getting settled in your new home! You may be shocked to find out what items can and cannot be used at the same time in your house. And each house is different! I'd love to give you the "code". Nothing would make me happier than to make a list.

Computer+Air Conditioner+Dryer=BAD!

But I can't! Our electricity goes out nearly every Monday afternoon because that is my big laundry and cleaning day. At some point during the day, I will try to microwave lunch while I'm both washing and drying laundry, or vacuum while the dishwasher is running. Then, I'm stomping outside in my slippers, grumbling while I flip the switch. Allora!

When you move into your rental, you have the option of paying a ridiculously high amount to increase the amount of electricity your home can consume. Not only do you pay to have the amount raised {an electrician has to physically come to your home and reset some things on your meter}, but you also have to pay a little more for the actual wattage that you use. pay for the convenience of not having to unplug your fridge anytime you want to run the dryer!

Here's the kicker...We did this! We paid more than I'd care to admit to have our limit raised and it still pops on a fairly regular basis. We are in a brand-new very energy efficient home....and it still pops. It can really get frustrating!

I cannot tell you whether or not it is worth your money to increase the amount of electricity that you will be able to use in your home. It will depend on your family size and lifestyle. Most of all though, I think it depends on the amount of disruption you are okay with in your daily lives.

So is it worth the extra expense? I'd have to say, for us, yes it has been worth every penny. I cannot imagine how difficult things would be if we hadn't!


  1. can't wait to read more of your posts—we move out there in about three weeks!

  2. Awesome! I hope that I can get helpful information out there for folks heading over. I had a tough time finding much info about the area when we were preparing to come over. If you have any specific questions about the area or the base, let me know! Safe travels!

  3. For a minute I was jealous...WHAT? She can have her oven AND microwave on? But the I caught that you paid for the increase-lol. We've been here 2 years and are so used to it that when the actual power goes out my 7 year old accuses me of washing clothes and microwaving at the same time-lol.
